The Chemical Regulations Self Help Group is here to support people working for companies in the chemical supply chain understand the regulations around product safety (particularly REACH and CLP), so that they can comply with them as effectively as possible. We know that there are a lot of regulations which can be complex and difficult to interpret, so talking things through with people dealing with the same issues can be really helpful.
We meet every quarter, in person and via Zoom, to discuss regulations and solve problems together in a friendly, confidential environment. Meeting notes are issued to provide a record for members of what has been discussed.
“It’s very good access to a lot of clever people and a lot of support, well worth the money! I’m sure there are other companies who would have had to pay a fortune in consultant fees to get where we are today without the help of the group.”
Vicky Oakes, Oleo Solutions Ltd
What we discuss
The word cloud below gives an overview of what we are interested in. For a full list of discussion topics since 2011, see this page .

How the group works
The Chemical Regulations Self Help Group has developed a number of principles over the years as it has evolved, with a view to serving the Industry Members as best we can.
- Membership is based on interest and involvement in specific chemical regulations affecting products, particularly REACH, CLP etc
- We have a diverse industry membership as a result (manufacturer, formulator, distributor, importer/exporter, reseller, downstream user etc) with very different product ranges
- The discussions provide practical solutions to implement
- We occasionally lobby on chemical regulations, particularly their impact on SMEs and the chemical industry “ecosystem”
- Industry members have priority for membership, and must be active in the chemicals supply chain
- There are a few invited consultants who support the group
- Service providers include labs, software companies, lawyers etc
- We have links to Supporters such as government departments, trade bodies etc
- To ensure a level playing field, membership is per company
- If you are a one-man band distributor or “the biggest chemical company in the world”, your questions and opinions carry the same weight
- Industry answers questions first –consultants and service providers next
- The group is self-funding, so there are no external influences.
- All members are bound by our anti-competition policy
- The meetings are a “safe space” for industry – all discussions are kept within the member companies
- Occasionally a very confidential matter will be discussed without it being recorded
- Public lobbying on behalf of the Self Help Group is agreed beforehand
- Meeting attendance is in person or online, via Zoom, and are mainly recorded (see “discussion are confidential”)
- The meeting video is posted online privately as soon as possible afterwards
- Meeting notes are circulated to all members via email
- Industry Members have access to the meeting notes archive on the group website
- We usually meet at a Golf Club, not a corporate venue
- Discussions at break and meal times spark ideas and solutions
- We always have lunch, including a Christmas Lunch in December
- Our signature snack is the Jaffa Cake!
When and where we meet
We usually meet at Halifax Bradley Hall Golf Club, near junction 24 of the M62. The summer meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn Brighouse, just off junction 25 of the M62.
Industry members are welcome at all meetings, whether in-person or via zoom. Service provider and Supporter members are welcome via zoom, and in person at the open meeting in the summer, although we may invite individual non-industry members to discuss specific topics in person from time to time.
All in-person meetings start with coffee from 9:30am – 10:00am, meeting from 10:00am to 1pm (with a break for coffee), and finish with a buffet lunch at 1pm, except the Winter meeting when we have a traditional Christmas Lunch.
2025 meeting dates:
- Tuesday 11th March, Halifax Bradley Hall Golf Club (industry member meeting)
- Tuesday 17th June, Holiday Inn Brighouse (open meeting – everyone welcome in person)
- Tuesday 23rd September, Halifax Bradley Hall Golf Club (industry member meeting)
- Tuesday 2nd December, Halifax Bradley Hall Golf Club (industry member meeting)
We will be attending ChemUK 2025, on the 21st and 22nd May 2025, come and visit us on Stand E139. Entry is free, and there are many excellent speakers and discussion sessions as well as the largest chemical exhibition in the UK. Many thanks to the ChemUK team for their support for the Chemical Regulations Self Help group.

Interested in joining the group?
Membership is by invitation, regardless of whether you would like to join as an Industry member, Service Provider or Supporter.
To join our waiting list please fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. (Filling in the form does not sign you up for a mailing list, and we keep your details confidential).
If you have any questions, please email us on .